


Discernment Counseling

Discernment Counseling

Discernment Counseling is a specific mode of counseling for couples. This method is different than ‘Marriage Counseling’ or ‘Couples Counseling’ in that it is a more structured, goal-directed and time-limited approach to helping couples find clarity and confidence in determining the direction of their marriage/relationship.

Discernment Counseling is useful when one or both spouses are questioning their commitment to staying married, contemplating divorce, or unable to commit to working together in Couples Counseling to repair the relationship. This mode of counseling can be very useful for mixed-agenda couples who feel stuck and unsure of what direction their relationship is headed. It allows for you as a couple to slow down, take a full inventory of your relationship, and determine a direction, with no pressure to change or repair, and without the commitment to longer term Couples Counseling.

If any of this applies to your relationship, or if you as a couple are in a state of limbo and struggling to find your way out of the grey, let’s talk. I am trained in Discernment Counseling and I am here to help you find your path. Contact me today!

This type of counseling is meant to be short term, up to 5 sessions maximum.

Discernment Counseling

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